The Annual Inter House Sports Meet of Amal International School, in the year 2023 was held in a grand spectacle on the 18th of June at St. Peter’s Grounds. The exhilarating event of the school calendar showcased the prowess and the talent of the students which was witnessed by the chief guest Mr.Dilantha Malagamuwa, a renowned and outstanding car racer, the Chairman of the School Mr. M.A.M. Hakeem along with the Board of Management, School Senior Management, Members of Parents’ Forum, the Academic and Non-Academic Staff, Students and Parents.
The school in pride and dignity appreciates the team Amal, directed by the Chairman and Board of Members for their unwavering support and guidance, the Principal Mr.Wikum Priyalal, and the Vice Principal of Administration and Extra and Co-Curricular Activities Ms. Muna Suby were acknowledged for their tireless efforts and invaluable contribution to the success of the event. The Prefect of Games, Mr.Greshan Anthony, played a prominent role in regard to his passion for sports and dedication to fostering a thriving sports culture within the school and making the sports meet into a remarkable and momentous event.
The highly anticipated declaration of the sports meet concluded gaining the victory of Arafath House securing 1st place, led by the exceptional House Master and Mistress Mr.Shadir Malik and Ms. Rizmiya Salman, Azeez House claiming the 2nd place with the excellent leadership of the House Master and Mistress Mr.Ahamed Rahmatullah and Ms.Fazlin Ifthikar, Aksa House earned 3rd place through the guidance of the dynamic House Master and Mistress Mr.Saad Sufi and Ms.Rozana Fazeem, Arkam House secured the 4th place led by the dedicated Housemaster and Mistress Mr.Aathif Razik and Ms.Rukshana Mukthar respectively.
The four captains Master Zaahid Risfaq, Master Aathif Ashar, Master Haris Amjad, and Aakil Hassan alongside their teammates exemplified the true spirits of sportsmanship and camaraderie embodying the theme of the event Rise, Unite, Excel: igniting the spirit of champions.
The Annual Inter House Sports Meet was a resounding success celebrating the talent, teamwork, and sportsmanship of the students and demonstrating the commitment and dedication of the teachers creating a strong sense of their respective teams, and organizing to the utmost level best for a grand success.