
Admission Process

Admission to Amal International School is very competitive and parents who wish to enroll their children at Amal International School must inquire from the school regarding vacancies ahead of the closing date for applications. This information can be obtained by telephone or by email. If vacancies exist for the required grade, the parents and the child should visit the school and meet the Admission Clark by prior appointment. Appointments will be granted between 8.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Following a brief interview and if all criteria are fulfilled an application form will be issued by the school after the due payment to the cashier.

Applications for Admission for Grade 1 shall be called during the preceding Year of Admission during the months decided by the Board of Management. Most probably in the month of June. Applications designed by Amal shall be purchased from the School on payment of the required fee. The Application Form should be duly filled as per the requirement of the said form.
  • Duly filled applications shall be submitted on or before the required date (called as the closing date) along with the following documents:-a) Child’s Birth Certificate (Original or a Copy certified by the registrar General).
  • b) Parents’ Marriage Certificate. c) Photographs of the Child, its Father, Mother or the Guardian. d) Proof of Residence, Income, Employment/Profession/ Occupation of the Parent / Guardian. e) Child’s Diagnosis Card issued by the Medical Officer of Health. f) Educational Reports of the Pre-School attended) Any other relevant documents which the School deems necessary.
  • An Aptitude Test and a brief Oral Interview, shall be conducted for the Child.
  • An interview shall be held with the Child’s Parents/Guardian.
  • Parents’/Guardian’s Income, Qualifications/Occupation/Profession, Languages spoken at home will also considered to verify suitability for Admission.
  • Any Child obtaining not less than required marks on the subjects tested shall be admitted subject to other conditions stipulated in the School Admission Policy.
  • All applicants who obtain the required marks will face an interview conducted by a Panel headed by a Member of the Board of Management.
  • The Panel shall be entitled to accept and/or reject any application that does not fulfill the requirement of School.
  • Admissions recommended by the Panel shall be referred to the Principal for his perusal, observations and recommendation.
  • Final approval for Admission shall be authorized by the Chairman.
  • No Applications for Admission for Grade 1 shall be entertained after the end of the month of February of the current year (Year of Admission) unless under special circumstances.
  • Once the Admission is approved the Parents are required to pay the Admission Fees*, Annual Term Fees* for the year, Activity Fees* and any other voluntary financial contributions.
  • A Declaration form* shall be signed by the Parent/Guardian at the time of interview.
  • No Admission shall be granted unless all the relevant payments are settled in full on or before the date of Admission of the child.
  • Upon the payment of the required fees to the bank mentioned on the payment vouchers, bank receipt and the school receipt obtained should be produced to the Admission Clerk in order to obtain the Letter of Admission and the book list.
  • A photocopy of the term fees should be pasted in the student’s Record Book (SRB).
  • Parent/Guardian will be notified by the Admission Clerk on the time and the date the child should attend the school.
Application for Admission for other Grades (Grade 2 and above) may be entertained as and when vacancies in such grades arise. No application shall be issued for other Grades after the end of February of the current year. However application may be issued on the recommendation of any Director but due to a specific reason. An Admission Test shall be conducted as per the standard set by the School for such Grades on Subjects English Language, Sinhala Language and Mathematics. No Admission shall be granted unless the Applicant Student shall have obtained minimum marks set by the Board of Examiners and shall be not less than 60 Marks per subject. In granting admission the Academic Performance Report, Character Certificate, Sports/co-curricular and/or extra-curricular Reports and other relevant documents issued by the previous school shall be submitted at the interview and which shall be considered. Application of students who are over the required age limit in a particular grade shall not be entertained. Admission may be granted on the recommendation of the Principal and the Admission Panel headed by a member of BoM. The Decision of the Admission Panel headed by a Director shall be referred to the Principal for his observation and recommendation. In the event the Applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Admission Panel, he shall be entitled to appeal in writing addressed to the Chairman Board of Management who shall be empowered to review the decision in consultation with the Principal.
Any Student whether from Amal or outside shall be entitled to apply for Admission for Advanced Level Classes in the prescribed form issued by the School. Such application shall accompany the Results of the G.C.E.Ordinary Level Examination, Birth Certificate, Character Certificate and/or other relevant documents. Students from outside Amal shall not be admitted unless he has passed minimum of 6 subjects including English Language and Mathematics. Admission shall be given according to the Bench Mark set by the Board of Management at the relevant time. Relevant payments shall be made within one week from the date of granting admission. No Admission shall be granted unless all relevant payments are made in full prior to the admission to the relevant class. However payment in installment may be allowed on the recommendation of any member of BoM.





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152 Dharmarama Road
(Off Havelock Road),
Colombo 06
Sri Lanka

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