Principal's Message
Education plays a vital role in shaping up a child’s personality as well as character. While the former addresses the outer self, the latter addresses the development of the inner self. Hence, education must develop a person’s both character and competence. Although both qualities are critically important, character must supersede competence. In other words, heart of the education is education of the heart. What we lack in today’s society is that heart of the education has seemingly been shifted more towards knowledge enhancement and skill development, in comparison to to attitude development compared to the past eras. While the world has become increasingly competitive, human being also continuously competes to advance in terms of knowledge and skills, leaving the third domain of the education, i.e., attitude, aside.
In fact, a balance in the mixture of all 03 domains of education is of paramount importance. Amal International School clearly understands this philosophy and aspires to cater for the needs of students in terms of development of all domains of education. Thus, the school offers a range of curricular as well as co-curricular activities during school hours and after-school hours to ensure achieving this comprehensive excellence.
The school has an amazing set of dedicated and experienced teachers, who always try to lead students with examples, rather than managing them. They strongly believe that understating every child’s aspirations, background and individual needs is equally important to understating the curriculum and imparting it.
On the other hand, parents have become increasingly concerned about their children’s education in present days. They even make major life decisions based on their children’s education and future. It’s a positive characteristic of present-day Sri Lankan community. Thus, schools must capitalize on this phenomenon and work closely with the parents to mould their children as competent 21st century global citizens with an strong Sri Lankan identity and cultural norms.
Education is, in fact, a collaborative enterprise, in which parents are a crucial stakeholder. Without their participation and collaboration, educational standards of a school are less like to shine out.
Thus, when virtuous parents join hands together with dedicated and motivating teachers who understand the children individually wonders occur and dealing with students becomes extremely rewarding. We see these potentials at Amal International School. The leadership of the school is pretty zealous to make the dreams of our students as well as their parents a reality and take the school to the next level.
Know how, can do! Long Live Amal!!
Razeen Assan
Master of Education (M.Ed.) – Specialized in Guidance & Counselling – International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) – University of Peradeniya
Licentiate in Arabic & Islamic Studies (B.A.) – University of Naleemiah
Member of Institute of Charted Professional Managers, MCPM
Member of Sri Lanka Institute of Training and Development

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